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By Tokenize Xchange
August 20, 2024

Where is Dima?

Dmitri Medvedev, the most toxic Kremlin propagandist, always says the quiet part out loud and has never met an insult that didn’t spark nuclear threats, he has been silent for ten days on Twitter. What’s up, Dima? Are things not going well? Medvedev has a lavish estate in the Kursk region, although it is far away from the liberated territories.

Liberated Territories

Ukrainians have met very little civilian resistance, and many locals welcome the soldiers as they roll through towns. Ukrainian military personnel patrol the streets unarmed, visiting every resident and residence to ensure food delivery and medical aid where needed. One Russian family abandoned their disabled grandmother in their apartment. The elderly woman was not mobile and severely dehydrated when Ukrainian troops found her. She has been taken to a medical center. Russian POWs get prompt medical treatment as well and, according to international observers, spend their days watching cartoons in the POW camps. The UN and IRC have made contact with precisely zero Ukrainian POWs in Russian captivity.

Where are the civilians willing to fight for their land? No grandmas making trench candles or Molotov cocktails, no civilians taking up arms, as in Ukraine 36 months ago … just quiet acquiescence.

Patriotism and Nationalism


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